The Heritage Tourism App!

First of its kind mobile app about Teller County now available on your iPhone and your Android device!
The Tour Teller mobile app brings Teller County's history alive! The tour consists of seven routes that recreate the sights and sounds of Colorado's history - from the voices of the Utes and homesteaders to the sounds of steam trains and the gold rush.... highlighting the historical legacy of Teller County which can be taken singly or in sequence -- physically or virtually. Each includes a narrative enlivened by current and historical photos highlighting suggested stops, points of interest that can be viewed from the road, and optional excursions off route. Audio and video clips convey the flavor the past through oral histories and re-enactments of historic characters.
To download the the iPhone app, go to Apple App store and search for “Pikes Peak Historic Driving Tour”. To download the Android app, go to the Google Play store and search for the same. Once the app is downloaded, users can follow any of seven distinct routes even where cell service is not available. “Tour Teller” is sponsored by the Teller Historic and Environmental Coalition.
Here's what people are saying about the app ---
from a patron at UPHS luncheon
“Phenomenal! I’m an app person; I’ve seen hundreds and yours is one of the very best .”
from Cripple Creek
“Our manager said she had our marketing company check it out and they said it was “great”.
from Executive Director of a major nonprofit in Colorado Springs
“I shared your new app with my Community Outreach Director – she loves it! She wants to feature it on our next e-blast."